What’s On
All Saints Flower Arranging Club
Meet Last Thursday in the Month 2 – 4 p.m. However, during the Summer months sometimes meet off-site at gardens or other places of interest.
Email: christinecain@gmail.com
Littleton and Harestock Gardening Club
We are a friendly club, founded in 1992, for both experienced and inexperienced gardeners. At each meeting, there is a guest speaker, a chance to socialise with other gardeners over tea or coffee and topical advice from experienced members. We meet the third Wednesday of each month except August (no meeting) and December (2nd Wednesday) at 7.30 pm at Littleton Memorial Hall.
Website: http://littletonandharestockgardeningclub.co.uk
EMail: contact@littletonandharestockgardeningclub.co.uk
Tel: 01962 620305
Littleton and Harestock WI
We meet at Littleton Hall at 7.30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Visitors and new members are welcome. For more information please contact our President, Denise Buckle.
Tel: 01962 885527
Email: bucks14winch@gmail.com
Winchester City Festival Choir
Rehearsals: Wednesday 7.40 -9.30 pm during school terms. Three rehearsals a month at Littleton Memorial Hall, the third in another booked venue, currently St Peter’s Church hall, Jewry St, Winchester. Two main concerts plus ‘Summer Sing’ and Carol Concert each year. We are currently looking for singers: men, tenor and bass, and soprano-come and join us!
Website: https://wcfchoir.org/
EMail: wcfc_sec@hotmail.com
Winchester u3a
Our activities are centered on over one hundred activity groups, ranging from Architecture and Cookery to Walking. We currently have about 1300 members and aim to provide a friendly environment in which members can work together to share learning and leisure activities and add value to their quality of life. Winchester U3A meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month between 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm.
You Time Yoga with Hayley
Hayley uses yoga to release tension from areas commonly under strain during pregnancy and to strengthen the body ready for the growing weight of your baby, labor, and birth. Monday 18:15-19:15 Hatha Yoga – all welcome, Monday 19:30-20:30 Prenatal Yoga, Weekly Term Time Only.
Website: https://www.youtimeyogawithhayley.com
Tel: 07817 755 185
Email: Youtimeyoga.hayley@gmail.com